The term ‘brain drain’ has come to describe a situation in which people with skills and knowledge leave one region in order to offer their know-how on the market in another place, usually for hope of better living conditions and pay. While this development can have a devastating impact on one region, other regions can become the winners of this form of migration – which is then called a ‘brain gain’. Not only are people treated as resources in this consideration of profit and loss, but this scenario also makes it possible to portray one kind of migration as useful and thus welcome, while migration that does not take place under the auspices of an investment in human capital is then often characterised as unwanted or even dangerous. Migration, however, does not only redistribute know-how, it itself produces knowledge.
It is exactly this knowledge – from everyday practices to theoretical reflections to political strategies – that GET AWAY! is about. A number of experts give introductions into the art of migration in a crash course consisting of five units. Thereby we hope to do away with the distinction between winners and losers: knowledge is being shared, and – irrespective of our actual location – we can all become winners.

This website accompanies, documents and complements the project GET AWAY! A crash course in the theory and practice of migration. geheimagentur,Theater Oberhausen, December 2010

contact: artofmigration@getawayinfo.de

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